
spkayal:David A. Granger

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Born in Georgetown, David Arthur Granger became a senior officer of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) by Prime Minister Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham.

Granger attended Queen’s College, one of Guyana's most prestigious schools, along the likes of Presidents Forbes Burnham, Cheddi Jagan, Samuel Hinds and scholars Walter Rodney and Rupert Roopnaraine.


After leaving Queen’s College, where he was a member of the Queen’s College Cadet Corps, Granger joined the Guyana Defence Force as an officer cadet in 1965 and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 1966. 離開女王學院後,他是女王學院學員軍團的成員,1965 年,格蘭傑以軍官學員的身份加入圭亞那國防軍,並於 1966 年被任命為少尉。 He received his professional military training at the Army Command and Staff College in Nigeria;the Jungle Warfare Instruction Centre in Brazil; and the School of Infantry and the Mons Officer Cadet School , respectively, in the United Kingdom. 他曾在尼日利亞陸軍指揮與參謀學院、巴西叢林戰教學中心接受過專業軍事訓練。以及英國的步兵學校和蒙斯軍官學員學校。

He became commander of the Guyana Defence Force in 1979 and was promoted to the rank of brigadier. In 1990, Granger was appointed as National Security Adviser to the President[1] and retired from the military service in 1992. 他於 1979 年成為圭亞那國防軍司令,並晉升準將。 1990 年,格蘭傑被任命為總統的國家安全顧問[1],並於 1992 年退役。

Personal life[edit source] Granger is married to Sandra Granger (née Chan-A-Sue) and has two daughters, Han and Afuwa.[16] In November 2018, Granger was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma.[17] 個人生活 格蘭傑與桑德拉·格蘭傑(原名 Chan-A-Sue)結婚,育有兩個女兒Han 和 Afuwa。 [16] 2018 年11 月,格蘭傑被診斷出患有非霍奇金淋巴瘤。 [17]

發起關於David A. Granger的討論
